The goose hunt this year did not live up to our expectations after last year's success. With only a proper morning session after the short-billed goose, the goose hunt 2021 resulted in 16 short-billed geese, one greylag goose and one Canada goose.

When the greylag goose was in the area, I was out with Joakim a couple of mornings, which only resulted in a few geese, hence a Canada goose. 

Furthermore, the short-billed goose came to the area, but it was difficult with a short stay and small flocks in the area at the same time. So at the start in October, we were a group that tried our hand at short-billed geese. It resulted in 16 pieces, and presumably show the final result for this year's goose hunt. 

Far fewer geese than normal have been observed this year, and several believe that it has moved past Trøndelag and traveled straight to Denmark and beyond. We are unsure of the exact reason for this phenomenon, but it is speculated whether high hunting pressure may have led to changed migration routes, i.e. across Sweden and shorter stops along the way.

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